
Keep your workplace safe by ensuring your employees are healthy and proper procedures are followed. allows you to easily collect and store information relevant to the safe operation of your business.

Collecting: With both predefined COVID-19 forms and the ability to customize them, it’s easy to collect the information you need to protect your employees and your customers.

Storing: We store your forms and their responses securely in the cloud, so they can be easily accessed at any time.

Reporting: Our COVID-19 reporting dashboard enables you to easily monitor trends and anomalies so you can enforce the safety standards of your workplace.

“Fit for Work” pre-screening form

Employers are required to ensure that symptomatic workers stay home. Simplify pre-screening self-assessment for yourself and for your workers.

Workplace inspection forms

If you’re a retail store, restaurant, or another company with customers entering your place of business, make sure they stay safe too. Whether you want standardized forms or forms specific to your workplace, we’ve got you covered.

Works on all devices

Remind employees

Track completeness

Built to serve…

Retail stores

Clothing & other apparel stores, grocery stores, specialty stores, and other retail businesses.

Food service

Restaurants, bars, cafés, breweries, wineries, and other food service establishments.

Personal services

Hair salons & barber shops, tattoo parlors, beauty salons, health specialist practitioners, etc.

…and more.

Need a bit more flexibility? Meet our Flexible and Enterprise plans.

Form customization

Our built-in forms work seamlessly for many workplaces. If you need to customize the forms, upgrading to a Flexible plan will let you do that! Customization is included for enterprise customers.

Additional custom forms is powered by the Limber forms engine. Available with our Enterprise plans or by special request, we can help you digitize any other forms you may have and bring your business workflows into the 21st century.

Protect your employees, your customers, and your business

Starting from $295.

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